Yestarday I went to the Swedish Institute in Minneapolis with my mom,sister, friend, and my friend's mom. The random picure of graffiti was a shot was when I tried taking it before we turned a corner... because I thought it was really cool and colorful looking... The picture does no justice to the real thing. I love going to museums especially if it's a museum of another culture. Learning about other cultures always intrigued me. The lame thing was you couldn't take any pictures in the Swedish museum for insurance reasons. I was really bummed because the're so many beautiful ceilings and wood carvings everywhere in that place!! Every where you turned you'd see some magnificent piece of work. The only place I could take pictures was in their basement. Not as spectacular as the rest of the house by a long shot (except for the coffee shop down there), but I did take some photography of a fireplace down there which was still impressively decorated and the outside of the building.
I love your photos -- they look really, really great.