
Speak Out

("Speak Out")
The first thing people say when they see this piece I drew is.. "Ouch...What's wrong with that dudes face?" One of my pieces for my drawing class was this pencil/charcoal sketch of a person trying to speak out and break the barrier of what ever is trying to close his mouth shut. I want the viewer to have a sense of the pain the man's going through. There are many times when others and myself feel like they want to speak out what's going on inside but they can't. I wanted to make him look like he's finally fed up with keeping his mouth shut and is trying to SPEAK. I love expressing how i'm feeling in art and just letting it all out. It can be so relaxing or 'free feeling' sometimes.


Korean With a Pearl Earring

(Painting from my Adv. Painting class 2010...click on the pictures to enlarge to get a closer look.)
I haven't blogged in so long due to lack of motivation, and just the winter weather makes me lazy and tired all the time. So I finally took some pictures today of some pieces. I'll try to post throughout the week. For my painting class, our second painting was to change a classic piece and make it our own. I chose to replace the original girl with a Korean because I wanted them to look the same from a distance, but when you get up close you notice that she's actually Asian!


Conquest Gameboard Design

(Conquest Gameboard design for my last years honors modern global class... I made some game pieces too, but I couldn't find them in her class at the time. They look like the characters in the second picture from the top...)
Last year my favorite class was honors modern global not just because I love learning about other cultures, but also because my teacher would make us do projects that were really creative and fun. One of my favorite projects, was creating a game board about the french revolution. I left it there from last year and just remembered about it when one of my friends told me he saw it during class. So I went in today and took some pics so I could remember what it looked like. I remember my group and I spent so long working on it and we only played it for 10 minutes...but the're so many good memories and it was fun hanging with my friends just goofing around and coloring!


Day of Sweden

(Some of my photography at The Swedish Institute in Minneapolis)

Yestarday I went to the Swedish Institute in Minneapolis with my mom,sister, friend, and my friend's mom. The random picure of graffiti was a shot was when I tried taking it before we turned a corner... because I thought it was really cool and colorful looking... The picture does no justice to the real thing. I love going to museums especially if it's a museum of another culture. Learning about other cultures always intrigued me. The lame thing was you couldn't take any pictures in the Swedish museum for insurance reasons. I was really bummed because the're so many beautiful ceilings and wood carvings everywhere in that place!! Every where you turned you'd see some magnificent piece of work. The only place I could take pictures was in their basement. Not as spectacular as the rest of the house by a long shot (except for the coffee shop down there), but I did take some photography of a fireplace down there which was still impressively decorated and the outside of the building.


Наша любовь не пройдёт с годами

(Just a few of my aunt's matryoshka dolls)
My aunt passed away recently and we got a lot of her trinkets. She loved to travel and collected things from all over the world. Something I found that intrigued me, were these matryoshka dolls. I went to a Russian museum awhile ago that had an impressive collection and it seemed that my aunt could have started her own museum! She had so many of them, but what I really drew me to them and made me love them, was that each one was different and were all so colorful. I'm sure if my aunt was still here today, there would be a story for each one...one as unique as the other.
(Title: Our love won't disappear for years.)


Panda Power

(Panda cartoon draft)
A panda cartoon sketch I drew about 2 years ago. I just randomly drew it out of my love for panda bears because I believe they're one of the most adorable creatures (especially when they're babies)! Who can ignore such a cute and fluffy face! I was looking at it and thought of making a new version or making an animation, once I have the equipment to do so....and someone to help me since I'm incapable at working technology sometimes. Just an idea. I'll hopefully think up a more original and unique composition idea.


Sticky Notes Film

(via hapanimation from youtube)

This short film was made by Jeff Chiba Sterns. He's the guy who also created the sharpie commercial with all the post it notes that made the words "Marry Me" if you know what I'm even talking about?? Anyways, I was really drawn to this video because I really admire how something so simple as post it notes can create such a unique story. I also love how he put major events in between his everyday to do list. It makes you think twice about all the things happening around you that you don't even realize happens. You can find more of his short films on youtube. Jeff Chiba Sterns people!


Tim Walker Photography

(Tim Walker Photography Via Google)
While searching for photography for my photo/video class I saw pictures from the famous Tim Walker. These are just a few of his photos I loved. I love his style. They're all so whimsical and fun! He knows how to make a perfect combination of bright fun colors with a unique look. Some of his pictures seem busy, but it works and that's what makes it so fabulous! I plan on creating more paintings this year that have more bright colors and a whimsical feel. I'll post the paintings I finish in class soon.


Let The Wild Rumpus Start

(1. My friend busily painting...2. still painting...3. A chair my friend painted earlier of the drawings from the book Herold and the Purple Crayon...4. The chair I was working on based on the book Where the Wild things are...5. Finished product!)

My friends mom commissioned us to snazz up some old chairs for her kindergarten room. So we set out some time, blasted the music, and sat in her garage, painting for hours. Note to self-Bring knee pads while kneeling on a hard cement floor next time! Even though your knees would get sore sometimes, it was still so much fun painting themes from books we grew up with. My friend painted two chairs with Herold and the Purple Crayon, and the other with peanuts. I painted Where the Wild Things Are, and I'm currently working on The Hungry Caterpillar.

Igor Kazarin

(via Igor Kazarin from youtube)

I was looking at artists on youtube and one of my favorite people I found was Igor Kazarin! It's just intriguing watching him create dry brush paintings that look more like photographs than drawings! This year I think I'll try this technique. I'm sure it's very time consuming and difficult but I love to try new things! check out his youtube channel- PortraitDrawing's


Baby,Vogue, and Crayons! OH MY!

(1. My baby picture...2. woman from a vogue magazine...3. my huge box of crayons!!)
Awhile ago my mom showed me this newspaper article of this artist who did crayon drawings that looked so realistic they looked like photographs! So I decided I wanted to give it a whirl and bring out my inner child. Rumaging through my basement I came across this huge shoe box filled with crayons that had been collected over the years so there were tons! Crayons were never my favorite medium to use because I didn't like how the texture looked...but I'll try to get the hang of it. These are just two of the drawings I finished in the past days. I'll post more crayon drawings later.


Ukulele Drafts

For my birthday this year my wonderful sister bought me a ukulele! I've been wanting one for awhile now. I never get tired of ukulele in songs they're just so fun sounding. I've just been youtubing tutorial videos online to try to help teach me and it's been going pretty good so far but I still need some more practice. While I was playing my ukulele one day I had an idea of painting a design on the back and maybe the front of it. I'm not sure what I'll paint yet so if you have any ideas let me know since I'm so indecisive!


Return of the Froyo

Its been so long since I blogged. That's because my computer broke and my mom and I were incapable of fixing it but luckily her friends from California are over and her friends husband just so happens to be a computer genius! Anyways,Back again at Jack Pine Cafe!! My mom and I were heading up North to my unlces so we figured why not, let's head to Jack Pine Cafe first for some froyo! There was so much construction going on and it was hard to find parking but it was totaly worth it for the yogurt! My new favorite is strawberry with coconut shavings and nuts...and sprinkles and tons of other toppings! AH so much I can't love just one! Dan and Todd you both did such a great job! IT'S YUMMY YUMMY!